Load this page's content onto your ipod!
Hello and welcome. This site is designed to be your portal to English listening online. I have included many free downloads of English phrases and expressions, as well as many links to other sites which offer streaming or downloadable English listening.
英語リスニング練習にとっていちばん良い方法はきっと、これらのコンテンツをあなたのiPodやMP3プレーヤーに詰め込んでしまうことです。ポッドキャストリンク を利用すれば、iPodへのコンテンツ転送も簡単です。
Perhaps the best way to practice your English listening is to load up the contents onto your ipod, or mp3 player.
You can also easily load the contents onto your ipod by using the podcast link!
Please use the feedback form to request any additional expressions or if you have any suggestions for the site.
Thank you and Good Luck!